About us & Legal

Saw Meng Tee & Partners Public Accounting Corporation has rebranded to EisnerAmper Singapore. We have joined with leading US accountancy firm, EisnerAmper LLP, EisnerAmper Ireland, and EiserAmper Cayman, to form a new global network called EisnerAmper Global. Being part of a new global network, EisnerAmper Global, gives our client access to leading minds and cutting edge services by leveraging the expertise of 180 partners and 1500 professional across Singapore, the US, Ireland, Cayman and London.

1500 professional across Singapore, the US, Ireland, Cayman and London. The Singapore member of the EisnerAmper Global network, is a Public Accounting Corporation incorporated under the Accountants Act (Chapter 2) and regulated by the Accounting Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). EisnerAmper Global network consists of firms which are separate legal entities. The firms that make up the network are committed to working together to provide quality service offerings for clients throughout the world. Firms in the EisnerAmper Global network are members in EisnerAmper Global Limited (“EisnerAmper Global”), an English private company limited by guarantee.

Each EisnerAmper Global member firm provides services in particular geographic areas and is subject to the laws and professional regulations of the particular country or countries in which it operates. Each member firm is structured in accordance with national laws, regulations, customary practice, and other factors, and may secure the provision of professional services in its territory through subsidiaries, affiliates, and other related entities.

EisnerAmper Global does not practise accountancy or provide services to clients. Rather its purpose is to act as a coordinating entity for member firms in the EisnerAmper Global network. Focusing on key areas such as global strategy and quality, the Network Leadership Team and Board of EisnerAmper Global develop and implement protocols and standards to achieve common standards and coordinated approach among individual firms where appropriate. Member firms of EisnerAmper Global can use the EisnerAmper Global name and draw on the resources and methodologies of the EisnerAmper Global network. In addition, member firms may draw upon the resources of other member firms and/or secure the provision of professional services by other member firms and/or other entities. In return, member firms are bound to abide by certain common policies and to maintain the standards of the EisnerAmper Global network as put forward by the Board and Leadership Team.

The EisnerAmper Global network is not one international partnership and EisnerAmper Global member firms are not otherwise legal partners with each other. Many of the member firms have legally registered names which contain “EisnerAmper”, however there is no ownership by EisnerAmper Global. A member firm cannot act as agent of EisnerAmper Global or any other member firm, cannot obligate EisnerAmper Global or any other member firm, and is liable only for its own acts or omissions and not those of EisnerAmper Global or any other member firm. Similarly, EisnerAmper Global cannot act as an agent of any member firm, cannot obligate any member firm, and is liable only for its own acts or omissions.